Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Nike Says It Will Not Release A FuelBand App For Android


Nike FuelBand

One of the biggest trends in the mobile space over the last year or so has been using your smartphone for fitness tracking. Nike has been at the forefront of this innovation with its Nike+?app and FuelBand accessory. A FuelBand companion app is also for available for iOS which allows you to easily gauge how many Fuel Points you?ve accumulated for the day. Nike had originally hoped to release a FuelBand companion app for Android by last Summer, but has obviously missed that deadline. Today, Nike stated that, in order to deliver the best experience possible, it has scraped its plans for an Android app and will focus on its iOS and web experiences.

To deliver the best experience for all Nike+ FuelBand users, we are focusing on the FuelBand experience across iOS and nikeplus.com, where you can sync your activity, set new goals, and connect with friends. At this time, we are not working on an Android version of the mobile app.

Are you upset by Nike?s decision to abandon in its Android app? Let us know down in the comments!

Source: http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/briefmobile/~3/RjcnBipUtW4/nike-says-it-will-not-release-a-fuelband-app-for-android

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