Wednesday, January 9, 2013

Serenity Now: My Home Goals for 2013

Last week, I blogged about trying to set?reachable goals?for myself this year, and I'd like to carry that theme along with me as I plan my Home Goals for 2013. Realistically. I don't do many large-scale DIY jobs as funds for extra projects are slim, and I don't have sponsors from Lowe's or IKEA or Michaels. But I'm always fascinated to read what other people have planned for their homes and their personal lives, so I figured why not lay out my own little checklist here on the blog? These are my Home Goals for 2013:
1. Continue?Operation Update Family Room

I love my thrifted end tables, IKEA coffee table, and spray painted hand-me-down lamps, but the room needs some more work. I'm still collecting pieces for a large scale gallery wall, and I'm considering using some of the blog money I've saved to purchase a wall-mounted TV. This would mean saying good-bye and repurposing my TV armoire, which I use for seasonal decorating...but it would open the space up more, and I think I could use a dresser as a media console for storage.?

Still need to:

Put the slipcover on the couch. It can't be that scary

Order 3 photo canvases for the gallery wall

Work on accent pieces for gallery wall

New pillows

TV/ media console?

Update lamp shades

2. Complete the Kitchen Update

The little "quickie" update for our Kitchen has lasted for ages...partly due to some extra DIY work we had to put in, taking time off for the holidays, and pure laziness on both our parts. T would rather spend his time off work playing with man toys or watching sports, and I hate painting ceilings. But I have enjoyed my?new light fixture?over the kitchen sink.

Still need to:

Paint the ceiling

Paint the walls

New window treatments

Update light fixtures


Gallery wall

New rug

Yeah, that's a lot...I should say that this project has been completely funded from some gift cards I won through blog Giveaways, and a partnership with some companies I enjoy working with.

We stained our deck last Spring and completed a?mini makeover, but I'd love to build or purchase a potting bench to serve as a buffet and storage piece. New cushions for my patio furniture are not in the works ($$$), but they will need a good cleaning.

3. Organize

This is an all-encompassing goal. We have closets that desperately need to be organized, craft supplies (mine) that need to be organized, and a whole passel of new Christmas toys that need a home.?

I'm sure there are many other things I can/should add to my list. More than anything, I still struggle to love my home as it is. Being grateful for what I have (instead of comparing and envying) is an important attitude adjustment that I continue to work on. The following Thoreau quote is still inspirational to me this year, and I hope you find inspiration in it too:

"Most men appear never to have considered what a house is, and are actually thought needlessly poor all their lives because they think they must have such a house as their neighbors have."?

?-Henry David Thoreau

What are you working on in your home this year?

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